Я нашел вам славное тихое местечко в психиатрии (с)
Продолжаю исследовать своего любимца))))
Эдди КэхиллBirthname: Edmund Patrick Cahill
Birthday: January 15, 1978 (Козлорожка. По нему и видно, у него характерец похож на моего малого, такой же смешливый)
Birthplace: New York City, NY (тут вспоминается сексуальный акцент, кроме него таким владеет Джовинаццо)
Where he grew up: New York City
Where he lives now: NY, LA
Nickname: ---ED
Pets: He has a dog named Sweetie.
He is the child of an Irish father and Italian mother. He's the middle child, he has one older and one younger sister.
Recently married his long time girlfriend, Nikki Uberti, on July 12, 2009. He has baby girl, she was born in December 2009 (меня так умиляет, когда у мужчин дочки рождаются, они более с ними нежные, что ли...)
When he's not acting:
Playing pool, drinking, hanging on set, playing guitar. (Юля, бильярд и гитара, нам больше ничего не надо)))))
Fascinating facts:
He is a loyal New York Rangers fan (a real hockey nut in general). Eddie has one tattoo on his shoulder, a swallow on top of a heart. One of Eddie's favourite movies is Spinal Tap.
Дон ФлэкДетектив Дональд Флэк-мл.
Name: Donald 'Don' Flack
Age: Unknown
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'3
Son of the NYPD "legend", Donald Flack Sr.
He has one little sister (Sam) and at least one brother. His mom made a mean corn beef hash on Wednesdays
- Patrol with Gavin Moran
- 4 years in Bank Robbery Task Force
- 7 years in Detective Unit
Speaks a little Irish, learned it from his grandfather. He doesn't have a College Degree.
Badge no. 8571 (All in the family Season 4 Ep. 13)
He's allergic to cats. (Zoo York Season 2 Ep. 01)
Is a mentor at the YMCA (Что за хрень?)
He has Toyota Avalon (какая прелесть)))))
He can speak some Irish (5X19) (Это после этого Джесс будет ему на французском предлагать пойти... на свидание?)
He is a detective 1st grade (Объясните мне иерархию)
"I swear if one of Them call me bro"(3x04 Hung Out To Dry)
"I got everything under the sun, some say he was shot from a tree, he fell off the horse and shot himself, one lady said 'aliens came down.' This city's full of nuts."
"I like to do a little sight seeing after i commit murder."
"So what you need is extensive road testing? Say I take each one up to Taconic and back?"
"Who? Who? He's an owl now!" (Сова?)
"I'll start with the nuts in this city, and work my way up".
(After having the door slammed in his face) "You have a good night now".(2x08 Bad Beat )
"Let me arrest him for swearing on his grandmother."
" You don't call, you don't write... I was starting to think you are seeing other detectives" (с каким же несчастным видом это было сказано)
"Is it just me or is he orange?"
"Where'd you learn that? Catholic Encyclopedia?" (Католичка :lol
"There is nothing more depressing than looking at a rich kids money line." ( 1x20 Supply and Demand )
"When I'm the cooler head, ya know you blew it." ( 1x20 Supply and Demand ) (Да, они со Стеллой чередуют свои заскоки)
"So he was killed by a crap-sicle..." (1x11 Tri-Borough )
"...now look at you, 10 years and 2 murders later."
"Hey! You're in the big league now. Gotta step up your lies."
"Where I'm from, still makes you a foreigner."
"Did he ever nip a little much here, tuck too much there?" (2x02 Grand Murder in Central Station )
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I heard your sob story." (2x05 Swimming with the Fishes )
"Viagra! Mr. Kinsey was being all he could be!" (2x06 Youngblood )
Flack: Stella, this smell Cuban to you?
Stella: I can't tell, better break another one. ( 2x08 Bad Beat ) (Сколько ж он урона нанес хозяину лавки?)
"What? Ya don't recognize him with his face blown off?"
"Get your I.D. too, we're gonna need it to file assault charges."
"Thanks! Now if I had your shoes, I'd be set!" ( 2x17 Necrophilia Americana )
"Would these eyes lie?" (2x18 Live or Let Die ) (Нет, конечно!)
(When Mac asks is he alright)"I'm not used to looking down on the barrel of AK-47 but I'll be alright"
"Stop, Drop, and Roll you son of a *****"- Child's Play
"A couple of kids came into the 3-5, said that a friend's football may've accidentally kill the man. I locked them up for fun."
Flack: You think Houdini knew the impact he would have on Mafia lingo?
Hawkes: I'm sorry?
Flack: It's like when they wack somebody, they say we made him do a Houdini. Do you think that would make him proud?
Hawkes: Are we actually having this conversation?
Flack: Oh, I'm sorry...Can you explain the difference between DNA and RNA? Is that better? Because that's scintillating conversation right there.
I've slept with a lot of women. Some wild, some crazy, some both.'" (2x 14 Stuck on You ) (я с этой фразы тащилась.)
Hey boxershorts, cold shower's this way! ( 2x20 Run Silent, Run Deep )
What’s that bulge in your pocket? And don’t get cute. (2x13 Risk )
Stella: Hammerback’s autopsy report came back on Mirabella, and the results were pubic hair combing.
Flack: Two foreign pubic hair samples. Now there’s a party (2x14 Stuck On You)
Эдди КэхиллBirthname: Edmund Patrick Cahill
Birthday: January 15, 1978 (Козлорожка. По нему и видно, у него характерец похож на моего малого, такой же смешливый)
Birthplace: New York City, NY (тут вспоминается сексуальный акцент, кроме него таким владеет Джовинаццо)
Where he grew up: New York City
Where he lives now: NY, LA
Nickname: ---ED
Pets: He has a dog named Sweetie.
He is the child of an Irish father and Italian mother. He's the middle child, he has one older and one younger sister.
Recently married his long time girlfriend, Nikki Uberti, on July 12, 2009. He has baby girl, she was born in December 2009 (меня так умиляет, когда у мужчин дочки рождаются, они более с ними нежные, что ли...)
When he's not acting:
Playing pool, drinking, hanging on set, playing guitar. (Юля, бильярд и гитара, нам больше ничего не надо)))))
Fascinating facts:
He is a loyal New York Rangers fan (a real hockey nut in general). Eddie has one tattoo on his shoulder, a swallow on top of a heart. One of Eddie's favourite movies is Spinal Tap.
Дон ФлэкДетектив Дональд Флэк-мл.
Name: Donald 'Don' Flack
Age: Unknown
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'3
Son of the NYPD "legend", Donald Flack Sr.
He has one little sister (Sam) and at least one brother. His mom made a mean corn beef hash on Wednesdays
- Patrol with Gavin Moran
- 4 years in Bank Robbery Task Force
- 7 years in Detective Unit
Speaks a little Irish, learned it from his grandfather. He doesn't have a College Degree.
Badge no. 8571 (All in the family Season 4 Ep. 13)
He's allergic to cats. (Zoo York Season 2 Ep. 01)
Is a mentor at the YMCA (Что за хрень?)
He has Toyota Avalon (какая прелесть)))))
He can speak some Irish (5X19) (Это после этого Джесс будет ему на французском предлагать пойти... на свидание?)
He is a detective 1st grade (Объясните мне иерархию)
"I swear if one of Them call me bro"(3x04 Hung Out To Dry)
"I got everything under the sun, some say he was shot from a tree, he fell off the horse and shot himself, one lady said 'aliens came down.' This city's full of nuts."
"I like to do a little sight seeing after i commit murder."
"So what you need is extensive road testing? Say I take each one up to Taconic and back?"
"Who? Who? He's an owl now!" (Сова?)
"I'll start with the nuts in this city, and work my way up".
(After having the door slammed in his face) "You have a good night now".(2x08 Bad Beat )
"Let me arrest him for swearing on his grandmother."
" You don't call, you don't write... I was starting to think you are seeing other detectives" (с каким же несчастным видом это было сказано)
"Is it just me or is he orange?"
"Where'd you learn that? Catholic Encyclopedia?" (Католичка :lol

"There is nothing more depressing than looking at a rich kids money line." ( 1x20 Supply and Demand )
"When I'm the cooler head, ya know you blew it." ( 1x20 Supply and Demand ) (Да, они со Стеллой чередуют свои заскоки)
"So he was killed by a crap-sicle..." (1x11 Tri-Borough )
"...now look at you, 10 years and 2 murders later."
"Hey! You're in the big league now. Gotta step up your lies."
"Where I'm from, still makes you a foreigner."
"Did he ever nip a little much here, tuck too much there?" (2x02 Grand Murder in Central Station )
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I heard your sob story." (2x05 Swimming with the Fishes )
"Viagra! Mr. Kinsey was being all he could be!" (2x06 Youngblood )
Flack: Stella, this smell Cuban to you?
Stella: I can't tell, better break another one. ( 2x08 Bad Beat ) (Сколько ж он урона нанес хозяину лавки?)
"What? Ya don't recognize him with his face blown off?"
"Get your I.D. too, we're gonna need it to file assault charges."
"Thanks! Now if I had your shoes, I'd be set!" ( 2x17 Necrophilia Americana )
"Would these eyes lie?" (2x18 Live or Let Die ) (Нет, конечно!)
(When Mac asks is he alright)"I'm not used to looking down on the barrel of AK-47 but I'll be alright"
"Stop, Drop, and Roll you son of a *****"- Child's Play
"A couple of kids came into the 3-5, said that a friend's football may've accidentally kill the man. I locked them up for fun."
Flack: You think Houdini knew the impact he would have on Mafia lingo?
Hawkes: I'm sorry?
Flack: It's like when they wack somebody, they say we made him do a Houdini. Do you think that would make him proud?
Hawkes: Are we actually having this conversation?
Flack: Oh, I'm sorry...Can you explain the difference between DNA and RNA? Is that better? Because that's scintillating conversation right there.
I've slept with a lot of women. Some wild, some crazy, some both.'" (2x 14 Stuck on You ) (я с этой фразы тащилась.)
Hey boxershorts, cold shower's this way! ( 2x20 Run Silent, Run Deep )
What’s that bulge in your pocket? And don’t get cute. (2x13 Risk )
Stella: Hammerback’s autopsy report came back on Mirabella, and the results were pubic hair combing.
Flack: Two foreign pubic hair samples. Now there’s a party (2x14 Stuck On You)
@темы: CSI: NY
Влюбилась еще больше после слов про гитару))))
. Eddie has one tattoo on his shoulder, a swallow on top of a heart.
Вау! Обожаю такие татушки ласточек в американском стиле, немного классики, немного панк-рока)))
Яра, будешь смеяться)) Барабанная дробь - Young Men's Christian Association - Молодёжная Христианская Организация)))) Ну все понятно, наша католичка))) Зы - спасибо Лингве)
" You don't call, you don't write... I was starting to think you are seeing other detectives" (с каким же несчастным видом это было сказано)
"Would these eyes lie?" (2x18 Live or Let Die ) (Нет, конечно!)
I've slept with a lot of women. Some wild, some crazy, some both.'" (2x 14 Stuck on You ) (я с этой фразы тащилась.)
Все они католички такие
Ну а меня еще бильярд зацепил))))))))
Обожаю такие татушки ласточек в американском стиле, немного классики, немного панк-рока)))
Мне самой нравится это. А в сериале у него вроде где-то была видна... на капсах я вроде видела, а может приглючилось, но это меня не удивило.
Обожаю такие татушки ласточек в американском стиле, немного классики, немного панк-рока)))
Писец!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Католичка!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
обожаю эту фразочку)))
Я тоже.
Все они католички такие
А с виду такой приличный парень.
А кстати да, у него красивые руки, и за столом с кием он наверно хорошо смотрится))) И понесло)))
А в сериале у него вроде где-то была видна... на капсах я вроде видела,
Хм, надо поискать, хотелось бы посмотреть))
На руки я давно обратила внимание))))) А с кием я его видела в какой-то серии, когда проматывала, проверяла как скачалось. Вроде третий сезон, они там с Денни играли.
Хм, надо поискать, хотелось бы посмотреть))
Это если меня таки не глюкануло.