
Я нашел вам славное тихое местечко в психиатрии (с)

I sit here and listen to the rain
It falls loud and hard on my window pane
Sometimes drowning me it's like a flood
I wish the weather would lift me I wish it could

Abandon ship before it's too late
Or all this love i've got will turn into hate
You're not so very far away
But I feel more distance with each passing day I'm alone

I'm the fire and you're the flame
I'm feeling put out but who's to blame
Still i find myself misplaced
Lost in someone else I feel erased

@темы: Песни

28.03.2013 в 23:14

"We are on a ship, but we have no idea where we are in relation to Earth". || Stargate Fandom Team ||
28.03.2013 в 23:18

Я нашел вам славное тихое местечко в психиатрии (с)
r2r, :)