Я нашел вам славное тихое местечко в психиатрии (с)
Sam from Gold Bar, WA asks: Out of all the cast members, who is the biggest prankster or goofball?
Julia Benson answers: Louis Ferreira without a doubt. He’s like Jim Carrey. A true comedian and the moment the cameras are rolling he completely transforms, it is truly incredible to watch. An amazing seasoned actor.

Rainer from Tallinn, Estonia asks: What do you do on set when you’re not acting?
Peter Kelamis answers: We love to steal the golf cart and tear around the lot....we Twitter endlessly....and I swear if iPhone only knew how popular they were on set....and finally, I kick Patrick Gilmore's butt playing battleship....bluetoother on our....you guessed it....iPhones!

Julia Benson answers: Louis Ferreira without a doubt. He’s like Jim Carrey. A true comedian and the moment the cameras are rolling he completely transforms, it is truly incredible to watch. An amazing seasoned actor.

Rainer from Tallinn, Estonia asks: What do you do on set when you’re not acting?
Peter Kelamis answers: We love to steal the golf cart and tear around the lot....we Twitter endlessly....and I swear if iPhone only knew how popular they were on set....and finally, I kick Patrick Gilmore's butt playing battleship....bluetoother on our....you guessed it....iPhones!

Вот именно, кто бы сомневался))) Еще один мастер перевоплощения))
we Twitter endlessly
Если бы, но пока он, видимо, стойко держится))))
Еще как стойко...Все уже там, а он. Хоть раз в неделю бы чирикал!