-"How fun it is to hear that 'Greeks are so hot!'" - Melina; "Live! with Regis and Kelly" September 2002
-"Thanks to him, I knew I could go after what I wanted most. If I tried and failed -- big deal. You just keep going." - Melina; "O Magazine," February 2001, talking about her grandfather
читать дальше -"It goes to show how television breaks down barriers. I'm in their living rooms every week, so I'm a friend, I'm family." - Melina; "Biography" Magazine, March 2002
-"So basically, my name is Melina Kanakaredes-Constantinides. Every letter of the alphabet. That's why we tried to pick really short names for our children. 'Cause we were both freaking out in elementary school, trying to learn how to spell that last name." - Melina; "The Providence Collection" DVD commentary for "Eye Of The Storm"
-"There's really such a passion in being Greek." - Melina; unknown article
-"We have our little dinners in a trailer as opposed to being at the dinner table, but as long as you're together, it works."- Melina; "The Insider" talking about her family on the set of "CSI:NY"
-"I'm married to a chef. I get better food than hot dogs, usually. If I'm really nice to him, I get really good food." - Melina; "The Insider" talking about Peter, her husband
-"My father hung up on every boy who couldn't pronounce our name correctly."- Melina; "Ladies Home Journal" Feb. 2001
-"It's actually kinda humorous when -- (laughs) when you're walking on the set, and you see this guy completely burned, and walking and smoking a cigarette, and you're like, 'Heeeey, buddy, ya look like crap.'" - Melina; "Entertainment Tonight" 11.17.04
-"'Things have been crazy,' she says, 'but it's the best crazy in the world. The truly difficult thing is trying to sleep on planes, but I discovered the secret to that.' She pulls a mouth mask - the kind Michael Jackson often wears in public - from an airline carry-on bag that lies nearby. 'I was doing that eye patch thing, and the earplugs, but then someone gave me this mask to avoid catching germs - and when you put it on, everyone thinks you're like this complete lunatic and they leave you alone. That's how you sleep on a plane.'" - Melina; TV Guide article, fall '99
-"Motherhood is the hardest role I've ever had, but it's the best role." - Melina; "TV Guide" article; fall '00
-"My daughter comes to me, 'Mommy, I know what you do,' and I said, 'You do?' And she said, 'Yes, you play "Stella Bonasera."' It's very funny. She knows my full name, and I kind of was overwhelmed. I'm like, 'How did you know that?' What else does she know that I do? She's very precocious, and she sees the big billboards, promoting the show. And when she goes by, I'm waiting to hear a comment: 'There's Stella.' Then she kind of gives me a funny look, and I go, 'You're right. There's Stella.' And she goes, 'I know it's you, Mom.'"- Melina; "The Insider," talking about her daughter Zoe
-"I have a 4 year-old Zoe, and my baby is gonna be 2 in January, Karina. It was good at the beginning 'cause Zoe spoke Greek fluently and beautifully. She was just like a little immigrant in Los Angeles. And we, you know, took her to school and then she learned English sort of naturally. Whereas, the second one, hears her speaking English, so we still continue the Greek. So she comes out with her own little version of 'Greeklish' and it's this kind of difficult thing to explain, but anyone who comes over must speak both languages, or the kid gets really confused. [...] She'll figure it out. (laughs) We did. [...] And then everybody outside the family, and then of course Zoe, who wants to repeat things in English to her, confuses her, but that's fine." - Melina; "The Ellen Degeneres Show," talking about her daughter Karina's preference for mixing Greek and English; 12.15.04
-"Anna and I sing. She's a musical theatre cornball like I am, so we break out into duets all the time. Before Anna came, Gary Sinise and I would play this game: I'd sing a song and he'd have to guess what show it was from. Or he'd name a show, and I'd have to sing a song from it. He was always like, 'Melina, stop singing!'" - Melina; "TV Guide," talking about getting through rough days on the CSI:NY set; 4.17-23.06
-"Carmine was voted one of the sexiest men of the year, so I took a picture of him with my girls and wrote a note from them that said Wow! Someday we'll look back and say, 'We had tea with one of the sexiest men in the world!'" - Melina; "TV Guide" 4.17-23.06
Peter and Melina-"You gotta think positive, you know. Make the obstacles opportunities. That's my philosophy." - Melina, "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson," 04.15.06
-"I came to New York to get started in the business, and it's very funny, but I was always kissing and hugging everybody. In Manhattan, people are kind of taken aback. I'm thinking, 'What's wrong with these people?' and they're thinking 'What is wrong with this woman? She must be in some kind of therapy.' But I decided a long time ago, to hell with everybody. I have to be who I am, so I keep hugging and kissing."- Melina; "Providence Journal" article
-"I told them, 'Your job is not to worry about my name but to get me in the door.' If you keep changing for every person who tells you to, then who's going to be left? Why get the success and be somebody else?" - Melina; "Ladies Home Journal" article, talking about agents wanting to change her name.
-MELINA: My first job was pretty horrific, especially with a Greek father. I had... um... my first job was a commercial for Semicid Contraceptive.
LETTERMAN: I'm sorry?
MELINA: That's exactly how I said it to my father too. I was like, "So, Daddy, I got my first national commercial." And he's like "Oh, honey, that's great! Is it shampoo?" I said, "No..." "Is it make-up?" And I, "No..." He goes "Well, what is it?" I said, "Semicid Contraceptive." He was like "What's that?! You're -- you're young! You don't know about sex! Do they have you wearing a wedding ring?" I'm like, "Yes! Yes!" He's like, "Okay! Is that good?" I said "Yes! It's a lot of money, Daddy. I mean, I have to pay my rent, and the theatre doesn't do it."