Цитаты в оригинале, в этом их особое очарование. Если надо, просите, переведу.
Итак, первый сезон:
101, “Blink”
Danny: Morning, dear.
Stella: Do I have a tail back there?
Danny: Sorry. Morning, Stella.
Stella: Better.
Danny: Hear about that body?
Stella: Uh, the one by the river cafe? Yeah, I caught it on the police portable while I was in the shower.
Danny: Why doesn't that surprise me?
Stella: Job never stops, Danny.
читать дальшеStella: What time'd you get in?
Mac: Never went home.
Stella: Can't sleep?
Mac: What's sleep?
Mac: I'll be at the ME's.
Stella: A 'good morning' would be nice.
Mac [giving Stella a fatigued look]: Morning.
Flack: Hey! You got a peddler's license?
Suspect: Yeah.
Flack: Yeah? What's your name?
Suspect: I'm Jason Parnell. Why?
Flack [to customer]: Hey! How ya doin'? Ya want sunglasses and whatnot? There's a cart on every corner! Cart's closed!
Suspect: Look, I've never seen that house in my life. I swear on my grandmother.
Flack: All right, lemme arrest him for swearing on his grandmother.
Mac: You're comin' with us.
Suspect: What about my stuff?
Mac: Forget about your stuff.
Flack: A half-dead woman was found in your rental home. How is it you can't tell me who you rented it to?
Suspect: I told you. The management company handles all that.
Flack: I heard that part already. Too much in one interrogation as it turned out. [Leans forward threateningly] What this mother's face isn't buying is how HIDA, the entire NYPD, me--can't seem to find a single transaction that proves you actually rented the house to a real person.
Danny [entering room]: Hey, mind if I swab him, Flack?
Flack: Be my guest. You won't have any problems gettin' his mouth open--he won't shut up.
Flack: Open up your mouth, Mr. Silo. You like things with soft tips in your mouth, am I right?
Danny: Hoops on Saturday, Flack--don't forget.
Flack [to suspect, after Danny leaves the room]: Where were we?
103, "Creatures of the Night" (Aired as 102)
Danny: Shouldn't we process the scene first?
Mac: Process it if you can find it. It's somewhere in Central Park.
Danny: That's a bit of ground to cover.
Mac: You're telling me a rat ate the bullet?
Hawkes: That was dessert.
Aiden: I lived in a six story walk-up in Brooklyn. You could hear the rats scampering on the staircase above you. They didn't even flinch when you passed 'em.
Mac: That's 'cause they recognized you. They like familiar surroundings.
Aiden: What they liked was my grandmother's sofa.
[Flack catches up with suspect attempting to flee]
Suspect: Hey, man, I didn't do nothin'!
Flack: Yeah ya did! You got steak sauce on my shoes!
Danny [tossing nut at Stella]: Hey, Bonasera!
Stella: Walnut?
Danny: Eliminates Donovan Tracy as a suspect.
Stella: You got my undivided attention.
104, "American Dreamers" (Aired as 103)
Stella [looking at skeleton on the back of tour bus]: How long is this tour?
[Mac gives Stella a look]
It was funny! So whadda we got here?
Mac: New twist on the b*tch ride to hell?
Stella: Gang members dig up a rival's corpse and send it around the city on the subway? I mean, this isn't Chicago, Mac.
Mac: If this is a joke, I'm not laughin'. These bones are real.
[Suspect is reading article about skeleton on tour bus]
Mac: Admiring your work?
[Suspect turns to run]
Flack: Hey! Goin' somewhere?
Suspect: I can't believe you're jammin' me up for this. I burned a few tourists--that's all. It was a joke.
Flack: NYPD didn't find it funny.
Stella: Get creative.
Danny: Done.
[Surveillance camera footage reveals suspect touching an object on the wall]
Stella: It's a guitar!
Mac: It's DNA.
Danny: Creative enough for you?
И тут Остапа понесло...
Цитаты в оригинале, в этом их особое очарование. Если надо, просите, переведу.
Итак, первый сезон:
101, “Blink”
Danny: Morning, dear.
Stella: Do I have a tail back there?
Danny: Sorry. Morning, Stella.
Stella: Better.
Danny: Hear about that body?
Stella: Uh, the one by the river cafe? Yeah, I caught it on the police portable while I was in the shower.
Danny: Why doesn't that surprise me?
Stella: Job never stops, Danny.
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Итак, первый сезон:
101, “Blink”
Danny: Morning, dear.
Stella: Do I have a tail back there?
Danny: Sorry. Morning, Stella.
Stella: Better.
Danny: Hear about that body?
Stella: Uh, the one by the river cafe? Yeah, I caught it on the police portable while I was in the shower.
Danny: Why doesn't that surprise me?
Stella: Job never stops, Danny.
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