Sometimes it was just more convenient, the night before a Gate jaunt, to stay in quarters in the guts of the mountain. Officers’ quarters were cramped, containing only a cot covered with a greenish-gray wool blanket, a metal desk with a lamp and a computer terminal, and a chair. A closet at one end of the room, a tiny bathroom, and a television set tuned more or less permanently to CNN completed the suite.
Ну, в принципе, примерно так я всегда описывала каморки в КЗВ.
Oh, all right, he did have an actual office. But it reminded him too much of Hammond, flying a desk, to spend any time working there.
Да-да, Джеку был положен кабинет, которым он никогда не пользовался.
По-моему, даже место нахождения не знал.