10 things you didn't know about Steve Bacic

# Ah - my nose was broken. And rebroken.
But a – let’s see – broken nose, what else have I broken?
# Not much – dislocated – actually compressed a vertebrae in my neck – from a car accident. (Сто рублей убытка, как не сломанный нос, так вылетевшие позвонки)
# Terrified of skydiving, want to do it, can’t do it. I would love to go skydiving, but I’m too scared, and now because of the kids – can’t do it. (Сознательный папаша)
# I snowboard – did you know that? ‘kay.
# Painting. I paint. I like to paint. Pictures. (Гыыыыыыыы...)
# And then writing is obviously a new thing.
Finished one sсript and I’ve got another one half done and about three or four other projects I want to start writing – but I can barely read, so writing is a hard thing for me. (И тут я вспоминаю восклицание Харпера, когда Раде прочитал надпись на плакате. Харпер: Ты умеешь читать?)
Ah – what else – what else can I tell you? I’ll think about it as we go along.
# Oh, I was a guard in basketball. (Steve played competitively as a teenager)
# And of course I own a bicycle. (Юля, это тебе )
# Worst subject in school was English (Which is a handicap when you want to write)
# I speak two languages, English and Croatian. (Steve spoke and wrote Croatian before English) (Какая прелесть)
# Allergic to cats. (Да что ж такое???)
# Favorite type of vacation? Hot beach somewhere. The Canaries weren’t bad. (Я тоже так люблю. Лежать целый день на песочке с книжкой, периодически залазить в водичку)
# Am I a handyman? I think so.(When he has the time) (Не зря Гвен ему визиточки презентовала :lol
# No, I’ve never actually played a musical instrument. Wanted to. Bought my girl a guitar this year, she's taking guitar lessons. (Ну теперь все понятно, он таки не женат, видимо, гражданский брак)